those who know us well have no doubt been listening to us talk about moving there for A WHILE now. it's hard to remove yourself from an established situation. to pull up the roots and shake them off. to make that leap is a test of faith. it can be frightening because of all the unknowns. but its exhilarating and forces you to grow.
we like alameda and california. the weather is hard to beat. roy's made some great connections here. he's created a network and is finally starting to work on what he really wants. but something is pulling us east. the decision to move feels like a mystical culmination of the life that roy and i share. its scary and liberating at the same time.
we will miss our family out here. there's nothing like being just down the freeway from bubbe and grampa. having folks nearby to share the weight of everyday life.
i like that saying about living in new york city to toughen up and in northern california to get laid back, but not staying in either too long. its time to downsize our "stuff" and upgrade our life experience. it won't be easy, but the most memorable experiences never are, right?
a new place holds the promise of possibility. it allows you to reinvent yourself and invigorates your sense of living.
so i believe this is the official announcement to all of our peoples out there. we would love to know if anyone knows anyone in the area. connections are always helpful. we would also love visitors, so come on down ya'll.